**** Upcoming Dates****

  • April 5 and April 9 No Early Childhood
  • April 23-- No Early Childhood Session
  • April 23- Big Wheels 5-7PM
  • May 17- Last Day of Early Childhood

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Cleaning

It is that time of the year again.  At home and in school I get the urge to tidy things up and get rid of the winter dust and clutter.  We will be spending the week cleaning up our classroom.  Ok....  bear with me.  Before I hear phone calls saying "WHAT!!!  You mean my child is going to go to school to clean?  I thought he was supposed to be learning something!!!" let me tell you a little bit about what we will be learning this week.   

  • Children will learn vocabulary related to cleaning and messes.  (ie. clean, neat, mess, tidy, vacuum, cleaning spray, wipe, sweep, mop, etc)
  • We will be covering our early learning social studies standards, (sharing responsibility in taking care of the environment and beginning to participate successfully as a member of a group) We will be working together to achieve a common goal. 
  • We will work on math standards of sorting and counting as we sort tubs of toys and put them where they belong. 
  • We will work on concept/positional vocabulary like "put it beside the barn" or "it goes on the middle shelf"'
  • We will talk about sequencing and order of events (like steps to wash a window) using words like first, then, next, last. 
PS...  it would be GREAT if you would help your child practice our theme this week at home.  Have them tidy up their room or pick up their toys.  Talk with them about what they are doing.  An added benefit...  a neat and clean house!!!


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