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Monday, March 12, 2012

"Spring Ahead"

Each year I find that when the clocks "Spring Ahead" in the spring a couple of things happen. 

 First, the rest of the school year seems to fly by!  The sun goes down later and later.  The weather is warm and windy.  Spring events are in full swing. 

Second, I find that many children are quite often plain worn out and tired.  They are losing an hour of sleep and their little bodies need to adjust to the time change.  As it stays light longer many children play outside later at night as well. 

When children are tired they are not as able to learn and behave in the manner that we would expect of them.  It is harder for them to concentrate on learning tasks.  It is harder for them to sit and attend to an activity.  I find that in myself, I move around more when I am tired than when I am well rested.  If I didn't, I may just fall asleep!  :} 

Please try to keep a consistent bedtime routine and make sure that your child is getting to bed no later than 8:00.  Preschoolers need 10-12 hours of sleep a day.   There is a lot of learning that happens in the preschool years.  They need sleep to recharge their bodies and brains. 


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