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Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today we worked on patterning in school.  We used colored trains and other transportation pieces to make patterns.  Most of the children are really getting pretty good at AB patterns (red, green, red, green, red, green, etc).   Patterning is one of the math standards that we work on in preschool.  When children are able to understand, identify, create, and extend patterns they are practicing skills that will make them more successful in math in their Elementary years.  It helps them practice reasoning and memory skills as well. 

The patterns that we practice in preschool are:
AB patterns (red, green, red, green, red)
AAB patterns (red, red, green, red, red, green, red, red, green etc)
ABC patterns (red, green, yellow, red, green, yellow, red, green, yellow, etc)

Some things that you can do at home to practice patterns:
  • Use ice cube trays and small objects (buttons, shaped erasers from dollar store, pom poms, etc-- make sure that objects will not be a choking hazard for your child)
  • Use pictures of family members (Susie, Grandma, Mom, Susie, Grandma, Mom)
  • Use common household objects to make different kinds of patterns (fork, spoon, fork, spoon, etc)
  • Use movement to make patterns (clap, stomp, jump, clap, stomp, jump, etc) 
  • Use sounds or words to make patterns ( cat, frog, mouse, cat, frog, mouse, etc.)
  • Identify patterns in familiar story books
  • Find patterns in buildings or nature. 
  • Use stampers or stickers
  • Music!


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