Before we read our "Amazing Sharks" book this week we brainstormed what we thought we knew about sharks. Here is what the children said:
1) Eat fish
2) they splash in the water
3) sharks have long teeth
4) bears get mad at sharks
5) they eat fish with their sharp teeth
6) they can swim in the water
At the end of the week, this is what the children said:
1) they can eat fish when they are hungry
2) sharks can eat pups (NOTE: baby sharks are called pups.. sometimes sharks will eat pups)
3) they eat fish and sea lions and get big and strong
4)they are predators-they hunt
5) they are as long as my dad's truck
6) if you throw things in the ocean sharks can die. (we talked about littering, recycling, etc.)
7) shark babies are called pups.
It is so fun to see the learning that takes place over a week!