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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fire Safety Week


This week we read stories and talked about fire safety in our little group.  Today we had a school wide fire drill to practice what to do if there is ever a fire in our school.  Please talk with your children about what to do if there is ever a fire in your home.  It really makes a difference! 

When my own children were preschool age we had a kitchen fire in our house when making dinner one night.  Two of my preschool age sons heard the fire alarm go off and went to the "meeting spot" right away.  It was winter and they were in only their underwear after their bath.  Because they knew what to do and we had practiced going to the meeting spot I was able to get my toddler and get out of the house while their dad used the fire extinguisher to put out the fire. 

Since that experience things have changed a bit at my house.  I have high school boys now.  We no longer "practice" fire drills and if the fire alarm goes off it usually means that mom is trying to cook again and someone needs to fan under the alarm!!!  But... I know if there was ever a real fire they would know what to do. 


PPECSE said...

OOPS!!! Forgot to mention, in this picture the children "made" a fire truck using chairs. They said they needed steering wheels. We cut out circles out of black paper. It was amazing to see children that do not like to cut get excited about cutting out their steering wheel :}

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